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Work with me

If you're interested in working with me to improve the success of your website then you need to realise there is no 'Silver Bullet' that can get you instant results. Having said that, there are tactics and techniques that will allow you to optimise this process to get results quicker and for less cost than others may do. 

This process needs to be an ongoing function of your business and will require investment over the medium to long term to be successful.

My program is split into two phases.

Phase #1

In the first phase I would work with you to develop a digital strategy for your business. I would also plan the technical changes that would be needed to implement this.

I would then update your online properties as required, (or you could ask your existing developer to do this).

At the end of this phase you would have a clear plan of what results you want your website to deliver for you, and have the tools in place to help you achieve this.

Phase #2

This phase is more long term and involves:

  • Getting more visitors
  • Building your audience
  • Asking for the sale
  • Measuring & adapting

These tasks need to be addressed on an ongoing basis and I would expect to work with you on a regular basis (at least monthly) to either:

  • Complete some or all of the above tasks for you, or
  • Coach you how to do these tasks for yourself 

What next ?

If you're interested in working with me, or would just like to find out more, please get in touch via my contact form.

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